Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Assignment #1 from Mom

The first assignment is to figure out why I named this Blog...Teenacious Mind Farts!

J: very stubborn teenagers that have blonde moments.

Mom:    This comment was definitely worth a chuckle - could you expand further with more details...

D: Because we are teens that are stuber and have mind farts.

Mom:   I thought you were on to one of the clues when you informed me I had spelled tenacious incorrectly.  This is a blog - not Facebook, Twitter or texting, therefore typing shortcuts must be avoided (unless it is relevant to your blog post).  Please strive to respond in complete sentences with enough details to explain your thoughts!

J: That teenagers do some dumb things and why they have attitudes at times.

D:That all teen have a bad attitude and also don't think things threw.

Mom:  First, I am going to have a lot of work (and not all of it will be fun) ahead editing my boys' blogging.  If I didn't know better, I'd hunt down all their previous teachers and tell them I'm suing for their lack of skills!  However, I know, they too, thought several root canals might be easier than enticing my boys to write.  I think I am going to do something really hard and NOT edit their work.  I want everyone to know how tedious this adventure might be before we see improvements.  I hope everyone reading this will help my cause by leaving encouraging comments (when improvements are noted) and back me up when I say, "Could you   e x  p  a   n    d   your thoughts just a teeny tiny bit more, pleeaaase!"  OK, I digress.  Why did I name this blog Teenacious Mind Farts?  Well, I could probably turn my explanation into a whole chapter (not a bad idea - this whole blog could turn into a book...and I could be rich by exploiting my boys' weaknesses...and...).  Sorry, once again, I digress.  My first thought with creating a perfect title most definitely needed to be connected with - stubborn, obstinate, persistent, relentless - to name just a few (and yes I mean attitude, behavior, superiority complex, you name it - I meant it).  This of course sounds like the definition of a teenager - hence the misspelling of tenacious into Teenacious!  Now the mind fart part was a no brainer.  What do boys like to do?  That's right - fart!  They invent new and most annoying ways to exhibit this process.  Boys, you were right.  You and all teenagers do not tend to think things through but watch the attitude drama begin if someone dares to point that fact out!  In other words, Teenacious Mind Farts equals stubborn teens having blonde moments.  There will come a day (hopefully) when the Teen part will turn into tenacious in a positive way and Mama will be proud as I watch you reach all your dreams!

P.S.  I have embedded a few vocabulary words within this blog - quiz tomorrow!

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